to Resolve Practice

Confirming Problems:
Identifying Problems

Learning from CRNBC's Standards

A professional practice problem is any problem or situation that:

  • Has or could put clients at risk.
  • Interferes with meeting CRNBC's Standards of Practice, employer guidelines and policies, or other clinical standards.

Consider the following when determining if a situation is a professional practice problem. A worksheet allows you to capture your ideas.

  1. What are the risks to clients?
  2. How does the problem conflict with CRNBC's Standards of Practice? Which standards?
  3. What agency or department policies are you unable to meet?
  4. Who else is affected by the problem? Is this a problem for other health professionals or departments?
  5. How could you resolve this within the practice team? If you are not able to, who would you go to?
  6. What resources might give direction to resolution of the problem?
  7. What ideas or suggestions can you offer to resolve the problem?

Common professional practice problems reported by registered nurses are:

  • Working with limited resoruces
  • Lack of practice guidelines
  • Staff mix issues
  • Conflict between professionals
  • Communication problems and lack of supplies and equipment