Alternate practice arrangements (APAs) are carefully monitored and transparent perinatal care arrangements between an individual midwife and BCCNM that offer midwifery care outside the standard model. These arrangements have approved exemptions to the
Standards of Practice (PDF), typically Standard 6.1 (comprehensive care through all trimesters, labour, birth and postpartum), and/or Standard 7.2 (providing care in all settings). Care provided must adhere to the
Midwives Regulations and
Bylaws for the BC College of Nurses and Midwives.
APAs are established based on community, client and/or provider need. This may include but is not limited to serving a population of clients with unique social and/or medical requirements, and/or sustainable practice amongst midwives and/or other perinatal care providers.
For more information and requirements for APAs, please review the Policy on Alternate Practice Arrangements (PDF).
How to apply
Midwives interested in creating a new Alternate Practice Arrangement should submit a completed: Application to Establish an Alternate Practice Arrangement (PDF).
Midwives seeking to join an established APA for more than six months will each submit an individual: Application to Join an Established Alternate Practice Arrangement (PDF).
BCCNM staff are available to meet with midwives to discuss their applications prior to submission: please send inquiries to for more information.