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Registered Nurses
Scope of Practice
Part 1: The basis for scope of practice
Controls on nursing practice
Controls on nursing practice
Part 1: The basis for scope of practice
Registered Nurses
Professional Standards
Practice Standards
Scope of Practice
Part 1: The basis for scope of practice
What the regulation covers
Standards, limits and conditions
Controls on nursing practice
How practice is described in the regulation
Part 2: Scope of practice standards
Part 3: Activities that are not restricted
Part 4: Restricted activities for registered nurses
Part 5: Medical assistance in dying
Part 6: Delegation
Tables of limits and conditions
Learning resources
Sign in
Applications and registration
Professional liability protection
Quality Assurance
There are four levels of controls on registered nurses' practice:
Nurses (Registered) and Nurse Practitioners Regulation, which sets out the scope of practice in fairly broad strokes.
BCCNM standards, limits and conditions, which complement and further define and limit the scope of practice set out in the Regulation.
Employer/organizational policies, which may restrict registered nurses' practice in a particular agency or unit.
An individual registered nurse's competence to carry out a particular activity.