In March 2022, BCCNM issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to review BCCNM's complaints process to reflect the principles of cultural safety, cultural humility, and anti-racism.
Candidates were vetted according to a framework developed from the requirements contained in the RFP, and following interviews and reference checks, a vendor was selected.
The project schedule consists of four phases:
Planning and initiation
Current state assessment
Environmental scan and literature review
Future state design, which will include recommendations and an implementation framework
The anticipated project completion date is December 2022.
What will happen
To consider and make recommendations for changes to the structures, policies, practices, norms, and values of BCCNMs complaints process, the vendor will:
Review BCCNM's complaints process and provide recommendations to make the system anti-racist and reflect principles of cultural safety and humility. The complaints processes includes the intake of complaints, triaging complaints, investigating complaints, the evaluation of investigations by the Inquiry Committee, convening hearings, providing information to complainants on the status and outcome of complaints, and monitoring registrants regarding their imposed or agreed upon remediations, if any.
Bring an Indigenous lens and knowledge of Indigenous ways of knowing and make recommendations to decolonize the BCCNM complaints process.
Consider and recommend structures, policies, practices, norms, and values that will increase Indigenous Peoples' trust in the system, facilitate access to the complaints process, and create pathways to a resolution process acceptable to Indigenous complainants.
Note where recommendations for changes to our process may require changes to the Health Professions Act, which sets out how regulators' complaints process is conducted.
The vendor has stated they will “embrace the BCCNM Practice Standard [Indigenous Cultural Safety, Cultural Humility, and Anti-racism], and, with consent, seek consultative and collaborative relationships to exemplify engagement and develop an Indigenous patient feedback process that fosters trust and healing where values of the “Four Rs" — respect, relevance, reciprocity, and responsibility (Kirkness and Barnhardt, 1991). This will guide the approach to an effective and restorative grievance practice.
BCCNM will share the results of the review and next steps in early 2023.