to Resolve Practice

Documenting Problems:
Lesson Review


In this lesson you:

  • identified evidence for accurate documentation of the problem.
  • recorded the evidence.
  • prepared documentation and correspondence for management.
  • submitted your documentation and prepared a follow-up procedure.

Assessing Progress

Now that you have finished this lesson on documentation assess your level of confidence in each of these key areas:

  • describing evidence-informed practice.
  • identifying evidence of a professional practice problem.
  • preparing documentation and correspondence for management.
  • submitting documentation and preparing a follow up process.

Moving Forward

Once your documentation is complete you are ready to initiate a collaborative problem solving process that will assist you to move forward in addressing your professional practice problem.

It is important to keep in mind that resolution is not always immediate.

Continue to work within the system to improve client care.

  • If you do not hear back by the specified date, follow up with your manager ("What is happening with the problem?")
  • If the problem has not been addressed, send a second memo or letter to the same person, re-state the problem, include any new information, attach the first correspondence, and request assurance that the problem will be addressed.
  • Your manager may not be able to resolve the problem. Be prepared to take your concerns to the next level of management.
  • You may work with your manager to take the problem to the next level or you may take the issue forward yourself, advising the manager of your plan.
  • It is important to again ask for a meeting at the next level to communicate your concerns, and then to follow up with written documentation.

At any time in this process, you can contact CRNBC Practice Support for consultation with a Nursing Practice Advisor or Consultant.

Proceed to the next lesson.