to Resolve Practice

Documenting Problems:
Submitting Documentation

Submitting Documentation and
Follow Up

Once you have completed your documentation of the problem, it is time to submit your documentation to your manager.

Clearly and concisely document your communication. Keep a record of all correspondence.

  • Treat all documentation as confidential.
  • Use a workplace letter, memo or workplace form and send in a secure manner. Also see Tool #3.
  • Include your manager's name and title in this formal communication.
  • Start with a general opening statement such as: "This is a follow up to our discussion of..."
  • Describe the problem: date, time, place, who was involved (use initials for names), what happened, how it affected clients, what specific Standards were reviewed and referenced.
  • Include possible solutions.
  • Ask for confirmation that the correspondence has been received and request a response by a specific date, allowing a reasonable amount of time for progress to occur.

Case Study, click here.