Delegation of a restricted activity to another professional requires an agreement between both regulatory Colleges prior to proceeding with the delegation.
Delegation of a restricted activity to another professional is done on an exceptional and rare basis. The best interest of the client population must be embedded in all aspects of decision-making regarding delegation. The delegation must be made transparent to the client and may include seeking client consent.
Delegation means sharing authority with other health care providers to provide a particular aspect of care. Delegation to
regulated care providers occurs when an activity is within the scope of the delegating profession and outside the scope of the other profession.
The Health Professions Act gives health profession colleges responsibility for determining aspects of practice that a registrant either may or must not delegate to a non-registrant.
The Legislature has also approved amendments to the Health Professions Act that would further regulate the delegation of restricted activities by registrants of one college to registrants of another college. However, those amendments are not yet in force, and the master list of restricted activities for all health professions has not yet been finalized in regulation.*
Until those legislative amendments are implemented and BCCNM has established bylaws on delegation, BCCNM board-approved Standards provide direction for delegation.
*Until the legislative structure is in place and BCCNM policy related to delegation has been reviewed, registered nurses do not delegate to other regulated health professionals.
In this section
Activities approved for delegation to registered nurses
BCCNM standards for delegating to registered nurses