Nurses (Registered Psychiatric) Regulation, section 6(m):
A registrant in the course of practising psychiatric nursing may, for the purposes of tuberculosis screening, issue an instruction or authorization for another person to apply X-rays to a named individual, other than X-rays for computerized axial tomography.
BCCNM limits and conditions
RPNs who issue an instruction or authorization for a chest X-ray for the purpose of tuberculosis screening must possess the competencies outlined in Registered Nursing Competencies for Tuberculosis Screening1 established by the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) or equivalent approved by their employer.
RPNs who issue an instruction or authorization for a chest X-ray for the purpose of tuberculosis screening must follow the BCCDC Non-certified Practice Tuberculosis Screening Decision Support Tool2 (for Registered Nurses) or equivalent approved by their employer.
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