Applying for registration in British Columbia?
BCCNM is not currently accepting applications for multijurisdictional registration. If you provide virtual or in-person care to British Columbians, you must hold practising registration with BCCNM.
Learn how to apply.
Multijurisdictional registration pilot project
On December 31, 2023, BCCNM began piloting multi-jurisdictional registration (MJR) with a small number of nurses. The pilot will identify specific requirements, challenges and considerations for BCCNM to more efficiently regulate nurses who practice in two or more Canadian provinces or territories. BCCNM’s findings will contribute to a national project, led by the Canadian Nurse Regulator Collaborative (CNRC), to develop a pan-Canadian approach to more efficiently regulate nurses who work in more than one Canadian jurisdiction.
MJR registration renewal
- Timelines and deadlines
- Multijurisdictional registration renewal
opens on January 15, 2025 and closes on
March 14, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. PST.
- Your application will not be assessed until you have submitted the application form and paid your MJR registration fee.
- Timelines for MJR renewal are different than the renewal period for other classes of registration; it will start and end earlier. This will enable the Registration Services team to assess your PDF application and confirm your eligibility with your home jurisdiction before granting registration.
- What to expect
- It will take 30-60 minutes to complete your application. You'll be asked to:
- Confirm the province of your primary residence, home jurisdiction/regulatory body, and registration ID.
- Update your employment history and contact information.
- Report your practice hours from the preceding five years.
- Provide information about any criminal charges or convictions over the past year.
- Consent to a criminal record check.
- Acknowledge you have read and understand the consent and declaration requirements.
- Pay your registration fee by logging into your BCCNM account.
- Fees
- The multijurisdictional registration fee for 2025-26 is $150.00.
- What happens if you don't renew by the deadline
- If you do not renew by the deadline, your registration will expire.
- You must not provide virtual or in-person nursing care to British Columbians unless you hold registration with BCCNM.
- As BCCNM is currently piloting MJR, you will not be able to re-apply; you will need to apply for
practising registration.
Practising as a multijurisdictional registrant
- Requirements for maintaining multijurisdictional registration
You must continue to meet the following requirements to maintain your multijurisdictional registration with BCCNM. BCCNM Registration Services will contact the nursing regulator in your home jurisdiction periodically to re-verify your eligibility for MJR.
Your primary residence is outside of British Columbia, but within Canada.
You hold practising registration (or equivalent) in your “home” or primary Canadian jurisdiction in the same nursing profession.
In your home jurisdiction:
- You are not subject to any practice limitations, restrictions, or conditions.
- You meet (and continue to meet) the continuing competence/quality assurance requirements.
- You hold current and appropriate professional liability protection.
- LPN Scope and Standards of practice in British Columbia
- Nursing scope, professional and practice standards are slightly different in every Canadian jurisdiction. Please review the
Practice Standards,
Professional Standards and
Scope of Practice for licensed practical nurses to ensure you understand the expectations related to your nursing practice in British Columbia.
In particular, please ensure you review the
Indigenous Cultural Safety, Cultural Humility and Anti-Racism Practice Standard, which outlines how BCCNM registrants are to provide culturally safe and anti-racist care for Indigenous clients.
- Practice hours
- LPNs must practise a minimum of 1,125 hours within the five-year period immediately preceding each registration renewal. This requirement is one indicator that you are maintaining currency in practice. You will be asked to self-report your practice hours during registration renewal.
- If you do not meet the practice hours requirement, you will not be able to renew your multijurisdictional registration.
- Please keep a record of your practice hours for auditing purposes.
- Professional liability protection
- Holding professional liability protection in your home jurisdiction is a requirement for multijurisdictional registration with BCCNM. Please check with your professional liability provider for questions or considerations related to providing nursing services to B.C. residents as a multijurisdictional registrant.
- Changes to your home jurisdiction registration
- You must contact BCCNM Registration Services immediately at if you:
- Become a subject of a complaint, review or investigation by another regulatory body.
- Change your home jurisdiction to another Canadian regulator outside of British Columbia.
- Change your registration to non-practising in your home jurisdiction.
- Cancel/do not renew your registration in your home jurisdiction.
- Resources to support your practice in British Columbia
Moving to British Columbia
If British Columbia becomes the province of your primary residence, you must apply for practising registration with BCCNM.
Learn how to apply.
Frequently asked questions
- What is a home jurisdiction?
- A home jurisdiction is the province or territory of your primary residence and nursing registration.
- What is a primary residence?
- Your primary residence is the province where you have a permanent address and/or you submit your tax returns to the Canadian Revenue Agency.
- Do I need to renew my registration with BCCNM?
- Yes. Registration renewal information is provided above.
- I’m cancelling or not renewing my registration in my home jurisdiction. Can I keep my multijurisdictional registration with BCCNM?
- No. You must continuously hold practising registration in your home jurisdiction to maintain your multijurisdictional registration with BCCNM. If you cancel your registration in your home jurisdiction, your BCCNM registration will be cancelled. If you want to practice in British Columbia in the future, you will need to apply for practising registration (MJR will not be available).
- I need to change my home jurisdiction. What do I need to do?
1. Contact BCCNM Registration Services at and request to change to your home jurisdiction on record.
2. After verifying your registration with the regulator in your new home jurisdiction, Registration Services will update your registrant file and the
BCCNM online directory.
Important: You must hold practising registration in your home jurisdiction to maintain your multijurisdictional registration with BCCNM. We strongly recommend that you do not cancel your practising registration in your original home jurisdiction until:
- You have been granted practising registration in your new home jurisdiction.
- BCCNM has verified your registration with the regulator in the new home jurisdiction.
- Your new home jurisdiction is displayed on the BCCNM online directory.
- If I cancel my multijurisdictional registration, can I reapply in the future?
- No. BCCNM is currently piloting multijurisdictional registration and is not accepting new applications. If you cancel your MJR – or BCCNM cancels your registration because you do not meet the requirements – you will not be able to re-apply. If you will be providing virtual or in-person care to British Columbians, you will need to apply for practising registration. A timeline for when an MJR application will be available has not been determined.
- Why can’t I apply (or re-apply) for multijurisdictional registration?
- BCCNM is piloting multijurisdictional registration and is not currently accepting applications.
- I’m going on leave (e.g. parental leave). What do I need to know?
- To hold multijurisdictional registration with BCCNM, you must maintain practising registration in your home jurisdiction.
- If you keep your practising registration in your home jurisdiction for the period of your leave, your registration with BCCNM will be unchanged. We will contact you if action is required (e.g. renew your registration).
- If you choose to convert to non-practising registration or cancel your registration in your home jurisdiction, you will no longer meet the requirements for MJR and your registration with BCCNM will be cancelled. If you want to practice in British Columbia in the future, you will be required to apply for practising registration. MJR will not be available.
- How were the pilot project participants selected?
- Participants previously held temporary emergency registration with BCCNM and live outside of B.C.