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Parniak, Amanda, Former RN

Discipline order

Dec 7, 2020

Following from its September 3, 2020 Order, the Discipline Panel requested written submissions from the College and from Ms. Parniak with respect to penalty and costs. Ms. Parniak did not provide submissions. After considering the College's submissions, the Discipline Panel ordered that:

  • Ms. Parniak's registration is cancelled
  • Ms. Parniak is not eligible to apply for reinstatement of registration for five years
  • Ms. Parniak will pay costs to BCCNM in the amount of $7,895 within six months

In its reasons, the Discipline Panel noted that this was a case in which there was significant drug diversion and falsification of medical documentation, over a six month period of time, and involving multiple vulnerable persons. The proven conduct involved a pattern of drug diversion by Ms. Parniak from her employer, from the public health system and most importantly, from patients for whom health professionals are entrusted to care. A strong message needed to be sent that this conduct will not be tolerated.