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Pflance, Gregory, RPN

Consent agreement

Mar 12, 2023

​On March 12, 2023, a panel of the Inquiry Committee approved a Consent Agreement between BCCNM and Gregory Pflance of Edmonton, Alberta, to address practice issues that occurred on December 31, 2021, when he acted in a manner contrary to a vulnerable resident's care plan and contrary to seclusion and least-restraint policies. Further, he did not document or chart the use of seclusion as required. 

The Registrant has voluntarily agreed to terms equivalent to a limit and/or condition on their practice, including:

  1. ​A public reprimand;
  2. A limit prohibiting them to be the nurse in charge or the sole  RPN in a psychiatric practice setting;
  3. A condition requiring the completion of coursework in the use of seclusion/least restraint, ethics, and patient safety;
  4. Developing a self-reflection tool, which will be shared with their employer; and
  5. A regulatory practice consultation to address the foundational issues underpinning this Agreement. 

The Inquiry Committee is satisfied that the terms will protect the public.