Preparing your proposal
When you find an agency willing to provide the experience, you will start preparing your proposal to the BCCNM Registration Committee. Submission to the committee should be typewritten and in electronic format. Please email your submission to the committee at
There are several sections to the submission. Please use the following heading on each required document for each required section:
- 1. Cover letter/statement to the committee
A letter to the Registration Committee requesting to use SPE for renewal/reinstatement of registration. Please include a brief introduction of yourself, your practice history, and why you wish to return to registered practice. Also include your rationale for choosing an SPE, how you have prepared to return to practice, and the process you used to identify your learning needs.
- 2. Practice area
A description of a practice area to help the committee determine the competencies required. Be sure to include:
- Name and location of the sponsoring agency
- Description of practice setting (hospital, home)
- Specific requirements (if any) of sponsoring agency (e.g., TB skin test)
- Description of client population characteristics (number of clients, age, major health problems)
- Focus of the nursing care activities (e.g., health promotion, prevention, restoration, rehabilitation, palliation)
- Complement of health care professionals/interdisciplinary team members working in the area
- A brief outline of the nursing knowledge, skills, attitudes, and judgments that are required to provide care to clients in this area
- Pertinent issues (if applicable) of importance in the area (e.g., ethical, workload)
- Agency/employer orientation plans
- 3. Form 67: SPE Applicant Checklist
Complete Form 67: SPE Applicant Checklist.
- 4. Resume
Please be sure to include role titles, responsibilities, employers, and time worked with each employer.
- 5. Form 68: SPE Agreement
Complete the relevant sections of Form 68: SPE Agreement and provide it to the employer and preceptor to complete their relevant sections.
- 6. Preceptor statement of background
Provide a preceptor statement of background for the Registration Committee.
- 7. Learning and evaluation plan
Please include:
- A brief description of the process you used to identify your learning needs
- Objectives (learning outcomes)
- Learning activities
- Evaluation plans (including methods and tools)
- Plan sequence and time frames (minimum 400 hours implemented within 6 months)
Use the
Learning and Evaluation Plan development guide to help you develop your plan.