Supervised Practice Experience (SPE) is one of several options for applicants who do not meet BCCNM's basic practice hour requirement. Applicants with an approved SPE proposal are granted BCCNM provisional registration for a period of six months with limits/conditions, in order to complete 400 hours of practice under the guidance and supervision of a qualified preceptor. Following the successful completion of an SPE, a registrant is eligible for practising registration with BCCNM.
Is Supervised Practice Experience right for you?
BCCNM recognizes that each applicant is unique, and it is the sum of the individual’s background and experiences that helps determine whether an SPE is right for you. It is essential that you are a self-directed learner, and you are able to independently organize a preceptorship. You must also meet the following criteria:
- At least two years of consolidated practice. Consolidation is typically considered two years of full-time practice completed shortly after graduation
- At least two years of practical nursing practice experience in a Canadian setting
- Practice experience within the last five years
If you are an Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN), or if you do not meet the practice experience criteria but want to pursue this option as an alternative to transitional coursework, please contact us.
In addition to meeting practice experience criteria, the following factors should be considered or self-assessed:
- Self-directed learner qualities are essential
- The ability to independently organize a preceptorship with a B.C. agency/employer
- A background and previous practice experience in the chosen area of practice
- Depth and breadth of previous practice experience and education
- Involvement in professional activities and/or ongoing education and experiences
- Ability to provide evidence of preparation to return to practice
Important: Go here for an overview of the difference between Supervised Practice Experience (SPE) and Transitional Practice Experience (TPE).